Bobbin Transport System

    Mohler Bobbin Transport System with Cutting edge German Technology offers the Right Solutions for you whether it is installed with New Machines or fitted in the existing Spinning Mills.

    • Digitally controlled operating system
    • Operation is consistent throughout for long time duration
    • Able to installl
    • Yarn counts will not be mixed
    • Upgradation of Technology
    • Reduction of Man power and effort

    The Profile is specially designed to guarantee minimum accumulation of fluff. It is made up of High strength Aluminum profile which bears a load of large span width.

    Motors and Controls

    By using 3 Phase Motor with planetary gearing, Friction wheels are fixed with Motor with wear resistant covering to drive the trains.


    For Automatic System, Electro magnetically operated Switches Firmly mouonted on the Precisely machined Plate route the Trolley Trains to Different Locations.


    The floor supports are of modular design and easy for installation to suit all types of mills/Layouts. It provides Rigid support to the BTS track.


    The Buffer serves for storing the Full bobbins in the Trolley trains at Strategic locations so the material is available at Ring Frame within the shortest possible time. The Buffer is able to take up and manage different roving yarn qualities by ensuring the trolley train with right roving yarn is sent to the designated spinning frame by means of PLC Control System.